About MK Healthhub

MK Healthhub was founded in 2001 and is recognised as one of the leading providers of boutique health and fitness in the UK. Offering cutting edge, state of the art equipment, our hubs provide the very best personal coaching and personal group coaching sessions.

Personal Training

A new breed of health and fitness professionals

We recognise that a new breed of coach is critical to deliver the experience that creates a difference. The health coach is educated in all aspects of health and movement science, driven by a passion to help everyone and possessing great communication and empathy skills. We will lead this change with education and ongoing mentoring based on 25 years of practical real-life experience and over 100,000 hours of coaching in the field.

Matt Kendrick

About Founder and CEO Matt Kendrick

Matt Kendrick has become a sought after and highly renowned leader in the fitness industry. Matt is one of the only personal trainers to have established partnerships with private healthcare providers, Bupa, BMI and Spire. MK has provided services within elite-level sports, including Premiership football, World Cup cricket, Professional golf and Grand Slam winning tennis. Clientele ranges from members of Royalty, Olympic Gold Medal athletes and some of the biggest entertainment artists in the world. MK has a strong presence in the products and media arena with book publications and article written by Matt for: Men’s Fitness, Women’s Health, Health and Fitness, Grazia, Daily Telegraph and Waitrose Weekend.

“The place to be”


“Can’t recommend this place highly enough”

Matt Willis - Busted

“World class facility and world class coaching”

Mike and Bob Brian - Men’s Doubles Tennis


Take a free 30-minute tour of either of our locations to help you decide if MK Healthhub is the right gym for you. You’ll have the opportunity to try equipment, observe classes, and get direct answers to all of your questions.

MK Healthhub Birmingham

Three Snowhill,
Snow Hill Queensway,
B4 6GA


0121 716 7163

 MK Healthhub Solihull

Cranmore Place,
Cranmore Drive,
B90 4RZ


0121 704 0593